Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, Monday

Wow...was sick yesterday and slept all day. I simply could not sleep any more. Got up at 4:00 a.m., walked the dog, cleaned up a bit, showered, got gas, washed the car and grabbed a frappucino. Arrived at work at 6:45a.m.

I began moving into a new "office". It's a big cubicle. lol The person who used to sit in this office is soooooooo bitter that he had to move. Old school guy, hates women in the workplace (except to do his stenograph) and gave me a bit of a hard time (in his own way) when he came up to get his chair. Sad that people have to be that way.

Take a look at this precious puppy. Makes all the ick go away.

Long day....Good Night.


Sunday said...

OMG, Peanut is so cute! He DOES make all the ick go away!! I'd love to hear the story about the old-school guy giving YOU a hard time. I know it's good. And, um, Craig, when were you going to let me in on 9 to 5: The Musical?! Love.

Anna said...

PEEEENUCKLE!!!!! He is the cutest! I say that next time old school guy comes up, you put up your Lucy In The House Sign, put your feet up on the table and tell him to relax, kick back, and tell you about himself...and that will be a quarter please.