Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, Monday

Wow...was sick yesterday and slept all day. I simply could not sleep any more. Got up at 4:00 a.m., walked the dog, cleaned up a bit, showered, got gas, washed the car and grabbed a frappucino. Arrived at work at 6:45a.m.

I began moving into a new "office". It's a big cubicle. lol The person who used to sit in this office is soooooooo bitter that he had to move. Old school guy, hates women in the workplace (except to do his stenograph) and gave me a bit of a hard time (in his own way) when he came up to get his chair. Sad that people have to be that way.

Take a look at this precious puppy. Makes all the ick go away.

Long day....Good Night.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I have had an opportunity to have several conversations regarding this years election. Voting is an American right. No one should be told who to vote for or questioned on why they choose to vote one way or another. Or..whether they CHOOSE not to vote at all. It is my suggestion that everyone in America take the time to learn FOR THEMSELVES what each party's representative stands for, as well as their running mate for the VP position.

I know most everyone reading this thinks they know how I will vote. Honestly, that is personal and I'm not sharing how I will handle this election.

Exercise your options. And do what is right for YOU

Sunday Blues

OMG I am so sick. First it was a bit of a cold, and over night it turned into some stomach flu. Can't seem to get out of bed and when I do, it takes for-ever to just get into the kitchen.

wah wah wah

9 to 5

So, it's been a very busy week and intensely stressful at work. I went to see the musical 9 to 5 Thursday night with my friend from work, Mike Reese. The expectation we both had for this show was to be amusing and entertaining. It was so much more! What a fantastic show and what a great time. Everyone around us (including the two of us) were smiling ear to ear the ENTIRE time. Allison Janney played the Lily Tomlin role. But the Roz character, totally stole the show.

Monday, September 15, 2008

New to Blogging

Today, my very good friend who just moved to Sydney, Australia hipped me to this sight. I've never blogged before, but find it very cool and therapeutic. My goal is to visit the blog sight at least three times per week. We'll see