Friday, January 16, 2009

I Now Have A Cardiologist

It's true. I now have a cardiologist I will be seeing again in a couple of months. Might I add, that he is attractive and really talked TO ME while I was there today. Two echocardiograms, an EKG, etc. I am actually fine. My's there and it's beating...properly.

Just never really thought I'd be saying...I have to see my cardiologist....

at 44

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Year

Happy New Year! What does that mean, really? Are we happy it's a new year because the last one was so bad? Are we happy that we have survived life yet another year? I guess, it has it's own special meaning to everyone. A time to reflect on what you've accomplished or not, what you've survived, what you might have done different and perhaps a mental cleansing of the plate in order to start fresh.

People certainly don't forget or let you forget what has happened in the past, but it does seem like a time to start how you deal with people, see things, or set priorities. Maybe change that.

I know I have a few things I will be changing.

Best wishes to everyone and stay true to yourself.